How to Sign Language for Daddy

Sign language for “Daddy” is a very simple sign that can be used to communicate with young children, babies, and adults alike who are deaf or hard of hearing. To make the sign for “Daddy” start by holding up your right hand, palm facing outwards. Make sure that your thumb and index finger are in a circle shape, while your other three fingers remain straight. Now, bend your wrist down slightly so that the index finger and thumb point towards the ground. This forms a letter ‘D’ shape. It’s important to keep the other three fingers straight during this step as they should not move during this sign.

Next, you will want to bring your left hand up and place it on top of the sign you just made with your right hand. Your left hand should make a fist with your pointer finger sticking out straight from it. Your left pointer finger should be touching the base of the ‘D’ made by your right hand fingers.

Once you have done this, move both hands together in an outward motion away from each other at roughly shoulder height (for adults) or waist height (for children). When doing this motion, ensure that both hands stay in their original sign position until they reach shoulder/waist level before dropping back down to their original position again. This movement may need to be repeated several times if needed to get full attention from the person being addressed.

In summary, signing Daddy is a very simple gesture which can easily be understood by all users of sign language regardless of age or ability level. By making a letter ‘D’ shape with one hand and then placing a fist on top with a pointing finger extending outwards before moving both hands away from each other in an outward motion at roughly shoulder/waist height can help communicate “Daddy” in any situation where verbal communication isn’t possible or convenient!






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